I used to suffer a lot from this. The biggest problem I found when having an interaction or trying to have an interaction with a woman in order to state your intent lay entirely with me. That’s right, not her, not the situation, not the environment, simply you. Because of the importance you have attached to the outcome, because of the fact you are simply going over there not to celebrate her as a beautiful human being, but because you need or desire something from her. By thinking like this, which stems from an internal deficiency, you are simply getting in your own way. The mental battle you are having with yourself in your own mind is then messing up your internal state. Granted, the one thing that will get you out of this is taking action. Meditation even, is a fantastic tool. But it begins with what goes on inside your head. Seduction, therefore, stripped off all its nakedness is simply a mindset. Granted, you need to experience taking the action to build these internal reference points, but it is still a product created by your own mind. What is the mindset of such a guy? Well, one can presume, when he goes out into the world and he interacts with women and begins to have success; he begins to look for more and more evidence to support that theory. If anything negative happens to him, he creates a blind spot to it; because it no longer fits in with reality or world view. Whether the internal view of ourselves is that we are a fantastically great person, or an abject failure is not really relevant – neither is actually true, but what you tend to focus on unwittingly becomes your reality – simply because you think it so. Would you believe it if I told you that you already have all the skills you need in order to attract women? And that you just attach so many labels, untrue statements and faulty beliefs to it that it is clouding your judgement and halting your success. Somebody once asked Michael Jackson how he finds the inspiration to write such beautiful songs consistently. He replied, ‘Well, if I sit down, and think, right. Let me write the greatest song ever, nothing ever happens. You see, people are always trying to get in the way of the music. They are always trying to perfect something that is naturally an innate part of them anyway. I say, get out of the way of the music. Let the music write itself and dictate to you where it wants to go.’ Well there you have it. From the big man himself. Get out of the way of the music – get out of you always trying to break things down and analyse them when you are out having an interaction with a woman and let your natural desires as a man dictate to you where it wants to go. Stop trying to stifle that which is already naturally there on a primal level. In essence, feel it, rather than think it, and trust, because it will never let you down.
Join me on this beautiful adventure as we reconnect you to who you already are, and see the REAL you attracting lots of beautiful women!